If you have a possum scampering above your head at night, give us a call. We are experts in removing possums and getting you a good night’s sleep. To help with the process, here are the answers to the most common questions we get asked about how to get rid of possums.

How to Get Rid of Possums
How do you catch a possum?
Getting rid of possums is not a simple DIY job. Possums are a protected species in Australia and it’s illegal to move them without a permit. As a species, possums are extremely territorial and relocating one to a different area would most likely kill it. The bigger issue is that even if you did relocate your possum but didn’t fix where it got in, you’ll have a new possum tenant within a matter of days. Other local possums follow the scent trails left by the previous occupant and will quickly take up residence in your roof, bringing you a whole new round of noise and mess.
I’ve fixed the hole. How do they keep getting back in?
Most possums have multiple ways of entering a roof. Even if you’ve fixed the main hole, and think you’ve got rid of your possum, they can use almost any small gap to get back inside. They can squeeze through gaps as small as 9 centimetres wide to get into spaces. Removing one access point will only make them use a different one. It’s almost impossible to stop a determined possum. So every possible access point must be blocked.
Encourage Your Possums To Move Elsewhere
Whereas it is illegal to remove a possum on your own, there is a range of DIY options you can implement to discourage possums making your home their own. Here is our 3-step action plan for encouraging possums to locate elsewhere.
Remove All Access To Food Sources
Possums are a hardy bunch and can tolerate harsh environments. That being said, you shouldn’t encourage them to visit your property. Like all animals, possums need to eat, so removing sources of food and water is an excellent way to drive them away from your home. Possums are a cute looking bunch, but that isn’t a reason to feed them. Get into that habit and they’ll become permanent houseguests. Possums will eat your pet’s food. Therefore it is important to remove all water and food from outdoor spaces overnight and not put them out again until the morning. The same applies to the storage containers for pet food. Either keep pet food indoors or in a secure shed, or in lockable, sturdy containers that cannot be forced open. Don’t feed birds on your deck or patio, as the spilt seed will attract possums. If you do feel the need to feed, ensure you sweep up any leftover seed before dusk. Open compost mounds are a food source for possums. You should only use sealed compost bins or worm farms to reduce access to potential food sources. If you intend to grow fruits and vegetables near your home, only do so once the current possum problem has been solved. If you have fruit trees in the garden, pick up all fallen fruit each day to discourage visitors.
Block Access and Sleeping Spots
Possums access sleeping spots using drainpipes and trees. Eliminating these access points will go a long way in encouraging your possum to move elsewhere. Overhanging trees and bushes should be pruned away from the house. De-clutter the outside of your home by removing unused gardening pots, containers and bags, as they make ideal nesting spots. Block off areas around air conditioning units and ensure your BBQ cover isn’t creating a warm and welcoming tent-like environment. If you have a decked area, consider a secure enclosure by installing roll down clear plastic screens, mosquito netting, or cat enclosure mesh.
Add Deterrents
Possums are remarkably tolerant, persistent and difficult to deter. There are several options that you may need to try to find a solution that works for you. The aim is to make life uncomfortable for the possum and drive them somewhere more peaceful. Consider adding the motion activated sensor lights or a motion activated sprinkler system. Most possums will cope with bright light, but being permanently wet dampens the enthusiasm of the toughest possums! An old favourite is to leave a radio playing loudly beside nesting areas. This isn’t guaranteed to work, but it will almost always bring you into conflict with the neighbours! Some natural deterrents include garlic spray, mothballs around the garden or sleeping area, ammonia, or commercial possum sprays. These tend to be less effective, but worth trying. Failing those, you could try fixing polycarbonate spikes to surfaces around the home to make access difficult.
How much does it cost to remove a possum?
Unfortunately, there is no set fee to getting rid of a possum as it all depends on the type of house, the number of access points, the extent of the possum proofing repairs needed. Every house is different; is it a multi-level property or a single storey? What materials are used for the roof (tin or tiles?)? Depending on the type of property and the location of the holes, specialist materials and equipment may be needed to complete the repairs. The other factor is that we often need to visit over a number of days, in order to make sure we have trapped all of the possum residents. This is why we offer a free quote to help determine the cost. We will visit your property and assess what needs to be done, and then give you a detailed quote before we start any work. We not only legally remove the possum; we find and block every access point to your roof. We even offer a 12-month warranty. Now you can sleep easy!
For more information on possum removal and the services we provide, click here.